Education and Training Resources

Education and Training Resources

Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP)

Provides services and support to underrepresented minority students who are pursuing, or are interested in pursuing, careers in the professoriate in science, engineering, or mathematics.

Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science

Alda Center programs empower researchers to share their knowledge and discoveries in ways that resonate with other researchers, students, members of the media, policymakers, funders, the public and others.

Biostatistical Consulting Core

Provides short statistical courses, workshops, and one-on-one tutorials CfB Fundamentals of the Bioscience Industry program, an 84-hour curriculum fully taught by people from industry.

CITI Training

Research compliance training software - human subjects, animal use, conflict of interest, responsible conduct of research

CLIC Education Clearinghouse

CLIC Education Clearinghouse is a centralized space where the CTSA community can find and share a variety of education and workforce development resources for a broad range of audiences, from the general public to Principal Investigators.

The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT)

Assists educators in designing online courses, administering OpScan or accommodation exams, and implementing active learning technologies and strategies.

Clinical Simulation Center (CSC)

Provides simulated scenarios to teach or test Stony Brook students or staff. Standardized modules may incorporate actor patients or computerized manikins that simulate disease processes.

Computer Science and Informatics Summer Research Experience Program (CSIRE)

Summer program at Stony Brook for high school students to participate in research and get motivated to pursue a career in the field.


DIAMOND is a collaborative source of training resources for clinical and translational research professionals.

Doctors Back to School Day

Stony Brook Medicine physicians and medical students go “back to school” to inspire high school students from Brentwood and Longwood High Schools to pursue careers in medicine.

Health Occupations Partnership for Excellence (HOPE) Program

High School students in the HOPE program spend two years after school on the Stony Brook University Hospital campus and discover everything from the college application process to the inner workings of an Operating Room.

K12 Mentored Career Development Program

Supporting awardees’ progression to independent researchers, leaders, and servants to the community through translational science


An online job board for Stony Brook that connects existing research projects with new team members.

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)

OLLI members consist of retired and semi-retired individuals who are interested in engaging in lifelong learning. The Stony Brook OLLI has over 1,000 members and provides members with a wide variety of workshops, day trip opportunities, and social events throughout the year.

Program for Research Operations, Productivity, and Excellence (PROPEL)

This LINCATS-developed program provides practical skills and knowledge to prepare the next generation of clinical staff and researchers.

SBU Career Center

The SBU Career Center provides career services for students, alumni, employers and faculty.

Science Alliance

Provides Students and Postdoctoral Fellows with access to the Career Center, free registration to Career and Professional Development events and reduced registration to Academy Conferences.

SUNY Online Course Quality Review Rubric (OSCQR)

This free resource provides best practices needed to create compelling and effective online educational content for a diverse range of learners.

W. Burghardt Turner Fellowship Program

This award for underrepresented minorities provides financial support, scholarship, and health insurance for two years of graduate study and includes financial and academic counseling and other types of support.

Fundamentals of the Bioscience Industry

This CfB program introduces the life science commercialization process and the range of career opportunities beyond the bench, further guiding participants in using the program’s core competencies to advance their careers. Aimed at grad students, post-docs, and early career professionals in life sciences.

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