A Personal Statement which describes the applicant’s career goals and explains why the applicant believes this training program will help them to achieve these goals (1 page).
Specific Aims and Research Plan which contains the description of the applicant’s study question and methods (6 pages).
Applicant Biosketch (NIH format)
Mentor(s) Biosketch (NIH format)
Mentor(s) Letter of Support
Letter of Guarantee of Protected Time: This letter may come from the applicant’s Division Head or Department Chair. In instances where this letter is signed by more than one individual, please designate only one point person for submission of this letter. The individual selected will be asked to submit a letter which includes the following: Their support of the applicant’s participation in the LINCATS training program. Their guarantee that the applicant will have a minimum of 75% protected time during the two years that they will be enrolled in the LINCATS training program, allowing them to attend classes and conduct research. The availability of appropriate space for the applicant to pursue their research and studies, and access to a computer capable of running up-to-date statistical and data management graphics software. The assurance that they will serve as a liaison between the applicant, the mentor, and the director of the LINCATS training program if the need should arise.