The K12 Scholar Curriculum is comprised of these required core Stony Brook University (SBU) instruction and workshops and further supplemented by each scholar's Individual Development Plan.

The required SBU curriculum core will provide a common, fundamental skill set in CTS for learners at various levels and from multiple disciplines and allow ample opportunity for interaction with other scholars and faculty. This core is designed to maintain a balance between formal versus informal, coursework versus workshops, and to nurture interdisciplinary collaborations while protecting the scholar's time to conduct the longitudinal CTS project to completion. 

 K12 Scholar Curriculum Core
Individual Development Plan

Each scholar works with their LINCATS K12 mentoring team to develop an IDP as part of the application process. IDPs will detail short-term and overarching career objectives, perceived needs to achieve these objectives, and anticipated timeline. The IDP requires development of Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound (SMART) goals for the subsequent semester, one year, and five years. Barriers to these goals will be identified and specific strategies to maximize the potential for success will be described.


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